Eddy Film is a creative film production company, representing and developing French and International Directors for advertising and music videos.
We want to accompany our talent and our clients and collaborate together on short film formats with a singular cinematographic approach.
We are defined by our conviction not to be solely influenced by trends and celebrate our unique approach towards film making. We strive to stay ahead of the curve, adapting ourselves to the visual evolution of the market.
We want to be audacious in the choice of our directors and projects, translating the ideas and the visions representing the spirit of the brands we collaborate with.
Directed by Valentin Petit
Produced by Eddy and Ocurens
Executive Producers: Benjamin Benhamou, Germain Robin
DOP: Mélodie Preel
Agency: M&C Saatchi, GAD
Creative Directors: Robin De Lestrade, Jorge Carreno
Copywriter: Sydney Monjauze
Art Director: Guilherme Coutinho
TV Production: La Petite Office
Agency Producer: Audrey Chaouat
DOP Agency: Kinou / Cinematographer Agency
Post-Production : Mikros MPC Advertising
Sound Production: Capitaine Plouf
Most parents are overprotective by default. They’ll do anything in their power to defend their little ones. But there comes a time when they have to (figuratively) cut the umbilical cord and let their kids act independently, even if that means they will hurt themselves (although unintentionally).
In a bid to stop parents from treating their children like babies, Nike China developed a campaign which sees four real-life child athletes such as a runner, boxer, footballer, and basketballer—all aged between 10 and 13 years old—ask for independence.
Creatives: R/GA SGANGHAI,
Director: Ben Brand
DOP: Paul Ozgur
Grading: Nightshift Paris, Gabriel Portier
Special thanks: Eddy Paris