Eddy Film is a creative film production company, representing and developing French and International Directors for advertising and music videos.
We want to accompany our talent and our clients and collaborate together on short film formats with a singular cinematographic approach.
We are defined by our conviction not to be solely influenced by trends and celebrate our unique approach towards film making. We strive to stay ahead of the curve, adapting ourselves to the visual evolution of the market.
We want to be audacious in the choice of our directors and projects, translating the ideas and the visions representing the spirit of the brands we collaborate with.
Ben Brand
Maxime Desmet
Executive Producer
Jean François Bourrel
Line Producer
Antoni Gimel-Lécosse
Production Assistant
Maud Folléa
Production Service
Hello Baxter
Post House
Everest Studio
Post Producer
Sylvain Obriot & Anne-Laure Boulley
Hugo Lemant
Everest Studio
Mc Cann
Tv producer
Arnaud Lemens
Creative director
Ricardo Fregoso
Artistic directors
Philippe Puech & Mateo Fernandez Gomez
Clément Le Bars
Client: Bonlook
Directors: Guigue & Dakin (L'Éloi)
Creative Director: Tania Fugulin (Bonlook)
D.O.P. and Photographer: Nik Mirus (L'Éloi)
Art Directors: Francis Dakin-Côté, Jean-Constant Guigue (Caravane)
Art Director Assistant: Ashley Olivieri (Caravane)
Stop Motion, Animator: Rodrigo Sergio Eguren Raez, Jean-Constant Guigue (Caravane)
Production: Karyne Bond (L'Éloi)
Postproduction: Francis Dakin-Côté (Caravane)